

I wish to teach because I’ve always done that, since I was a child and teenager, helping classmates in school and college. Even my sisters, like when summarizing texts for assignments. Or my mother with her doubts in improvement tasks at the bank.

In 2016, I was a teacher of fantastic narrative creation at Casa de Cultura São Mateus, part of the Cultural Department of the São Paulo City Hall; and assistant professor at USP Leste, in a graduation course about literature, cinema, fantasy, and pop culture, where I corrected over 100 exams and papers of university students.

At the end of August 2018, I spent a week with a German family on their farm in the interior of Paraguay. There, I was spontaneously asked by the 10-year-old German girl to help her with her schoolwork… and I loved feeling useful to her!

Although my first college degree was in Engineering at USP, my greater passion and talents have always been in the Humanities, especially Letters, Languages, Literature, and Arts. Thus, I ended up graduating in Journalism, to dedicate myself to writing, including the need to learn and use a lot of English and Spanish in practice.


Japanese is a mysterious family heritage, from my paternal grandparents, although practically no one in my family speaks Japanese because they sought to adapt and immerse themselves in Brazilian customs and language.

Only one uncle practically ended up living in Japan almost his whole life, becoming fluent not only in Italian but also in Japanese, a great inspiration for me.

I increasingly decided that I should rescue this family tradition, so fascinating and challenging, connected to so much different, educated, and magical culture, also stimulated by opportunities I had to live in Japan on two occasions, between 2004 and 2005, to work in factories (and travel and photograph a lot for an exhibition I later did at USP); and in 2008, as a scholarship holder at Tsukuba University, when I also had the opportunity to travel to visit the manga and anime museums of the renowned Osamu Tezuka, in Takarazuka, Hyogo-ken, further south of Japan; and the museum in Tokyo of Studio Ghibli, by Hayao Miyazaki, who passed away this month of November 2018… 10 years after my visit.

In the end, I delved more and more into this language of the Land of the Rising Sun, whether in courses at the Brazil-Japan Cultural Alliance and with private teachers, like my friend Frank Honda and Japanese teacher Yasuyo… preparing myself for Japanese language proficiency exams, broad or specific to kanji!… In addition to conversations with my uncle Sérgio, my Japanese friend Yumiko Murakami, and even Japanese people I met in Córdoba, Argentina or in Barcelona, Spain!

Now… how about learning the origin of my motto, Creative Japanese?